Thursday, January 19, 2012

happy anniversary

I just realized today that it has been more than a year since I started this blog (the first entry appeared in November of 2010), and I let the anniversary date slip by unnoticed.  Not that I'm going to do anything particularly special here to mark my year-plus of blogging, but I thought I should make a note and try to feel a little bit accomplished.  Anyway, here are a couple of recent drawings, both of which took far longer than they had any right to.

Jared Warren and Coady Willis of Big Business, from a photo I found on the internets.  Somehow, that super-ugly splatter-painted bandana sort of grew on me while I was working on this.
Victorian couple, also from a photo found on the internet.  The thing that struck me most about these people is that they looked so wary, as though they had been through a lot and no longer expected too much from life, though I'm not sure this comes across so clearly in the drawing.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. your reflection about the Victorian couple is very wise, and, yes, you has passed that for the drawing. Thank you. beautiful blog and drawings.
