Friday, April 15, 2011

character sketches

some of the cast

the old devil-on-the-shoulder trick

These are recent sketches of characters from my current work in progress.  I'll probably regret putting this up, as the final artwork is still a long way off, and by the time I draw them for real, the characters will probably  look somewhat different.  Oh well.

1 comment:

  1. No regrets! Ok Margaret?!

    Love that you've got a work-in-progress. Siblings make for interesting storylines (I think) ... but then I am one of four girls.

    I just finished watching the first season of 'The Walking Dead' and really liked it. It is a zombie day after story that was fashioned after a comic book that the director saw and liked. Why do I share this? Well, I think that if one were to do it right that their graphic novel could make it into realm of success. Wouldn't that be swell?!

    I have only draw a page worth of story that I did some time ago, geared to bring a different kind of success into my life, but I do like to dream. I am encouraging you to dream too!


    ps are you still interested in writing out that blog? hope so 'cuz I will probably be bugging you about it when next I see you. :O)
