Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Par-tay at the bookstore!

 For my inaugural post here, I'd like to remind everybody in the Sea-town area about the release party for my Xeric Grant-winning comic book Thunder in the Building #2, tomorrow evening at 7:00 at University Bookstore (4326 University Way NE).  I would be delighted if you would come.  Fa'real.


  1. I'm your first follower. What, what? ;) Congratulations on finishing the comic! Woo-hoo! I wish I could make it to the bookstore but I am flying solo this week and I believe 7 is bedtime for a certain someone. Good luck!

  2. Awesome! I've been waiting years for this! I see issue #2 is in the University Bookstore. Is issue #1 still available?
