Sunday, August 28, 2011

more than style

I recently did this drawing of Tavi G. of The Style Rookie, and I debated putting it up here (would this come off as weird?), but what the heck.  I dig her because she is intelligent and isn't afraid to have (or change) opinions about stuff, and she has dealt very gracefully with the fact that some people want to treat her like a dancing bear.  I only wish I had been so sharp when I was in high school.

Also, though this is based on a photograph, I did make up the outfit.  In the immortal words of Bobby Brown, that's my prerogative.

Monday, August 15, 2011

period pieces

I am currently working on a little (as in only six pages) period piece, an adaptation of an old folk tale.  In these sketches, I was just trying to get the appearance of the characters and their clothes.