Monday, March 28, 2011

recent random

This doesn't come off quite as well when you can't see the physical edge of the page, but oh well.

Baroque-esque pattern design, revisiting an old theme, and a Little Shop of Horrors vibe.

Monday, March 14, 2011

20th century men

Based on the cover of some book about doctors from 1964 (hence the date), though I did not draw his stethoscope.
Muddy Waters, from the photo inside some collection cd.

I drew the good doctor just last night.  Muddy I drew about a year ago -- how time does fly.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

two sets of twins

I'm not going to try to explain this, except to say that the bats started out as being a completely separate thought from the girls, and then they ended up looking like part of the same (somewhat goth-ish) scene.
Everybody loves cave babies.

Apparently I've had a thing about twins lately.  Your guess is as good as mine.